From the Mouth of Babes

Photo by Pexels.

Photo by Pexels.

Kara Lee spoke with her husband about the rigid millennia-old traditions of a male God. They spoke about a divine feminine and masculine, and the religious conventions that insist one should commune only with our Divine Father.

Kara Lee’s ten-year-old daughter walked in on the conversation. She responded with the unadulterated wisdom of youth.

“If someone told me I couldn’t speak to you,” she said to her mother, “I would tell them they were wrong, and do it anyway.”

I’ve studied the Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Torah, Book of Mormon, Christian Bible, and other ancient texts. Setting aside the semantics of an anthropomorphic god and the debates about what constitutes prayer, there is no sound reason, doctrine, or scripture to preclude communing with our Divine Mother.

I am grateful for the unfiltered wisdom of children.

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