Doctor Jeff

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The Power of X

My granddaughter with the mother of her mother’s mother.

The maternal portion of you existed in your maternal grandmother’s womb before your mother was born.

Every ovum (egg) your mother would ever ovulate existed in her ovaries before she was born.

In the sacred process of creation, the seeds of the third generation were formed before the second generation entered the world.

Furthermore, aside from the intranuclear DNA that makes up your chromosomes, the mitochondria that exist in most cells and generate much of your life-sustaining energy, contain almost exclusively maternal DNA. A healthy ovum contains 40,000 times the mitochondrial DNA as a sperm cell. And, except in cases of in vitro fertilization, sperm cells lose their mitochondrial DNA before conception, contributing none to the newly formed zygote. Whether male or female, your mitochondrial DNA came from your mother. Through progenitors and progeny, mitochondrial DNA honors and identifies maternity.

I am grateful for the multigenerational power of X.