Feel No Shame

Image modified from a photo by Kseniya Budko from Pexels.

Image modified from a photo by Kseniya Budko from Pexels.

Creation myths and faith traditions around the globe usually include a liar or trickster, like Loki, the shape shifter in Norse mythology, the coyote or raven in many North American First Nation traditions, or the spider (Anansi) in West Africa.

In Judeo-Christian and Islamic circles, the deceiver is Satan, evil incarnated as a serpent, who enticed the first humans to partake of the forbidden and promised they would thereby become like the gods. After they partook, Satan convinced them to be ashamed and hide.

Satan’s greatest lie wasn’t that humans could become as the gods; it was the insidious premise, that they were not already as the gods and that they should be ashamed.

Shame is part of the great deception. Don’t believe it. Shame is not part of your natural state. You were not created to be ashamed. Shame does not serve you. Let it go. Be wholly naked, with nothing to hide, and feel no shame.

Jeff O'DriscollComment