Walk with Me
Photo by Pexels.
I was in Florida to attend a board meeting. In my hotel room that morning, I asked several questions and received answers. I don’t always recognize my messengers, but this time I knew who it was. Christ said, “I can stay here answering your questions or you can walk with me.”
He’d never said that to me before: “Walk with me.” It felt like an invitation to a more intimate relationship, both welcoming and pragmatic. I rolled off my knees and headed out the door.
In the boardroom, I sat across from Shawna. She introduced herself to the group by sharing the near-death experience she’d had years before during a car crash. Since then, she’d lived close to her guides.
Shawna and I sat next to each other at dinner. She told me more details. Though never a Christian, she’d been visited by Christ. (Many of my non-Christian friends have had encounters with Christ.) Shawna knew nothing of my experience that morning. Our conversation went something like this:
“Christ said, ‘Walk with me.’”
“What?” I said.
“Walk with me.”
“Really? That’s what he said? ‘Walk with me.’”
“Yes.” Shawna insisted. “That’s what he said. ‘Walk with me.’”
It felt like more than a coincidence. It felt like a voice from Heaven, saying, “You see, I really did say that to you this morning.”
I’m so grateful when a benevolent Creator placates my human doubts and insecurities through the words and actions of another human being. Be that person. Be the answer to someone’s prayer.