Walk on Water
Walk on Water
You don’t have to be a certain age or gender, or live in a foreign land or an ancient era, to enjoy miracles or perform them. You just have to step out of your boat.
Christ didn’t say, “Look how great I am walking one water.” He said, “Peter, walk with me” (Matt. 14:22-31).
Peter stepped out of the boat of fear and walked on the water of doubt. He no longer had faith he could walk on water—he was doing it. Knowledge had supplanted his faith in that thing. When he sank, it was because he no longer had faith that he should walk on water. He no longer believed in his path.
Trust your path. Miracles come when we step out from our comfort zones and walk the frightening path to offer a kind hand or word or a healing touch to wipe away a tear and save a soul. There are innumerable ways to walk on water. Most are simple and close to home.
Have faith. Trust. Take a step.