Infinite Love & Worth
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya a Pexels.
Your worth is infinite and eternal. Nothing you do or don’t do increases or diminishes your worth.
Divine love is infinite and eternal. Nothing you do or don’t do increases or diminishes God’s love for you.
Choices have consequences, but they do not change your worth or God’s love.
Understanding this allows you venture fearlessly from a safe place to explore life, knowing your choices may have unpleasant consequences, but they never make you less.
From that safe place, you begin again, making different choices, knowing your worth and God’s love are never in jeopardy.
What you wear does not change your worth. What you eat does not impact God’s love for you. How and where you worship does not alter God’s love or your worth.
Knowing your infinite worth enables you to see the worth in others. Experiencing God’s infinite love enables you to love others infinitely, all without fear of being less or unloved.
Don’t trust those who suggest your worth is something less than infinite, or that it changes based on your actions.
Don’t believe those who say you must earn God’s love or live a certain way to receive it.
Receive it. Own it. Reflect it.