We’re Being Loved
Rock painted by Kathy Abbott.
Four types of operant conditioning are:
Positive reinforcers: the addition of a reward for desired behavior, such as a place in heaven in return for being good.
Negative reinforcers: the removal of a punishment in return for desired behavior, such as not going to hell in return for being good.
Positive punishers: the addition of a punishment in return for undesired behavior, such as going to hell in return for being bad.
Negative punishers: the removal of a reward in return for undesired behavior, such as not going to heaven in return for being bad.
I chose these examples because I’ve often heard prelates use similar phrases to describe our purpose and path through mortality as if we’re being conditioned to behave in certain ways.
I disagree. Benevolent beings don’t influence and manipulate souls with threats of punishment or promises of rewards.
I believe the dialogue preceding our birth when more like this:
“I love you. I’ll always love you infinitely regardless of your choices. Some outcomes are pleasant. Others are unpleasant. Outcomes aren’t rewards or punishments; they’re merely consequences of your choices. You can always ask for help, and you will always be worthy of receiving it. And, regardless of what you chose, I will love you the same.”
We’re not being trained or conditioned. We’re being loved.