Divorce is Not Failure
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.
Social conditioning imprints us to believe love and marriage are forever. For a minority, that’s true. Conversely, many marriages grind on only because people view divorce as a failure.
Divorce is not failure. It’s not a reason to be embarrassed or ashamed. Often, divorce is a courageous, empowering, love-filled step forward; if not for the love for your children or soon-to-be ex, it’s a step in loving yourself.
Few things are more toxic than staying in a soul-destroying relationship for the wrong reasons.
Few things inflict deeper more indelible wounds upon young souls than parents who stay in a dead marriage “for the sake of the children.” Being from a broken home is far less caustic than living in one.
Divorce doesn’t mean getting married was wrong. People and circumstances change over years and decades. You may have married the right person at the right time for the right reasons, and you may have experienced exactly what you needed throughout your marriage, and still get divorced. For some, getting married was right and getting divorced was equally right.
Thinking marriage is forever and divorce is failure may cloud the way you view half your adult friends and family.
It would be nice if people could say, “We loved each other so much we got divorced because it was best for both of us.”
Be careful how you speak about divorce. You may be talking about someone you love.
Divorce is not failure.