I See Visions
Photo: Ismy Pointofview a Pexels.
I see visions. There, I finally said it.
I couldn’t say it for decades. I’d experienced it, but I couldn’t say the word. I was afraid.
Thirty years ago, I studied the life of an ancient holy man who’d received divine instruction to anoint his eyes and wash them that he might see. He did so and viewed empowering visions.
I loved that God instructed the man to anoint his own eyes rather than seek it from someone else. It was that man’s journey, and God put him in charge of it.
Following his pattern, I went fasting to the mountains where I’d grown up. I prepared a sacred space and anointed my eyes. I enjoyed a wonderful spiritual presence and received instruction, but I didn’t see a burning bush or a chariot of fire. I left disappointed.
A few years later, a messenger from beyond the veil touched my eyes and said, “I have given you eyes to see.” I saw the messenger and spoke with him, but I never thought to call it a vision.
Over the subsequent years, I saw souls leave their bodies at death, and I communicated with them. I stepped through the veil and experienced eternity with them, but I still lacked the courage or insight to call my experiences visions.
Twenty-five years after anointing my eyes, I read my notes from my days on the mountain. I was still disappointed I hadn’t seen more.
Then a voice said, “Behold what your eyes have seen since that day.”
In a flash, I re-experienced all my visions. I finally realized my anointing hadn’t been about a few hours on a mountain; it had been about the rest of my life.
I’m grateful for that holy man who shared his experience. It empowered me.
Now I’m sharing my experience to empower you.
You can see visions. Many of you have seen and don’t realize it. Some of you are afraid.
Don’t let fear rob you of your gifts or keep you from owning your truth.