Birth and Rebirth
Maria near her home in Adelaide.
The vision opened to Maria near her home in Adelaide, Australia. A magnificent masculine soul appeared and filled her with infinite light and love.
“I’m your mother,” she said, intuitively.
Maria already understood the nobility of souls. Years earlier, in her Greek Orthodox wedding, the crowns above her and her husband’s heads had been crossed over three times, his becoming hers, and hers his. Their wedding had also been a coronation.
A week after her vision, Maria felt the brilliant divine presence again as she and her companion came together to create a physical temple for their future son. The sacred communions with her unborn child continued throughout her pregnancy.
On Christmas Day, Maria embraced the transcendent privilege of giving birth to Ciparisi (Greek: Κυπαρίσσι, meaning Cypress). She enjoyed his effable presence and rejoiced in his arrival notwithstanding he was stillborn. In a supremely powerful manner, she experienced his birth, life, and glorious death, all in an instant. It changed her perception of everything.
Ten months later, Ciparisi returned. He took his mother by the hand and led her through his mortal birth and death, showing her every detail and allowing her to feel it as if she were him. He guided her through the place where he now resides and expressed his profound gratitude and his infinite love.
Ciparisi explained to his earthly mother that he’d submitted to birth and death to help her realize who she was and to give her rebirth into the reality that we are all One.