Love Transcends Language

Hila Baruch at Dor Beach

Hila Baruch at Dor Beach

Hila Baruch left her body during an emergent surgical procedure. Being a young female attorney in Israel, she didn’t speak of her experience for years. When she first shared, she spoke with the rich imagery of her native Hebrew tongue. Her message, in English, was something like this: 

“Imagine the combined love of every mother for her children, every mother in the world, every mother who ever was, who is, or who will ever be. Press all that love into a fluid. Distill it into its essence—pure unadulterated love. Then inject it into your soul. That’s the love I felt as I left my body.”

When I visit with Hila, we converse in English—her English is better than my Hebrew—but I feel her soul. Love transcends language. The ineffable can be felt even if it cannot be verbalized. Though we don’t always see it or feel it, we are love.