Walk with God

Photo by Mina-Marie Michell from Pexels.

Photo by Mina-Marie Michell from Pexels.

Imagine walking across a beautiful landscape. God, in human form, is walking at your side. Everything is wonderful until you see a shiny object far off to your left.

“I want to check that out,” you say.

“You might not like it,” God says. “I’ve been there.”

“I want to see what it is,” you reiterate.

“I’m walking this way,” God says, pointing forward. “Whatever you choose, I’ll love you the same.”

You go explore the shiny thing which turns out not to be so wonderful. You let it go and hustle back to God’s side.

The distance between you and God is not a reflection of God’s love or your worth. God’s love and your worth never change. The distance is a consequence of personal choice. When the distance narrows, it’s not because you’re more worthy or God loves you more. It’s simply because you chose to walk closer.

As Rumi said, “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”

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