You are the Temple
Ingrid Honkala, PhD.
As a young girl, Ingrid drowned in a large tank of rainwater. Her near-death experience and recovery were miraculous, but the veil never fully closed. Now, as a respected international scientist, she still receives guidance from what she calls the Beings of Light.
Ingrid grew up very Catholic in Bogota, Colombia, but loved exploring other faith traditions. As her twelfth birthday approached, she found deep peace in a Zen Buddhist Temple where she learned intentional breathing and meditation.
After a particularly powerful meditation, Ingrid lamented that her family was moving and she wouldn’t be able to return. A monk and the Beings of Light reassured her she could breathe and meditate anywhere. They said, “You are the temple.”
I had a related experience. I once heard a teacher describe a religious edifice and say, “Our bodies are like temples.”
Spirit grabbed my metaphorical lapels and sat me up in my chair. “She’s got it backwards,” a voice said. “You are the temple. The buildings are a representation of you.”
Christ and Paul both spoke of the physical body as a sacred temple (John 2:19 and 1 Cor. 6:19, respectively). Mormon scripture speaks of the elements that form the physical body and says, “The elements are the tabernacle of God; yea, man is the tabernacle of God, even temples” (D&C 93:35).
Wherever you go, whatever you do, never forget you dwell in sacred space.
You are divine, and your body is your temple. You are the temple.