Just Help Them Remember
Photo by Maria Orlova from Pexels.
I went to see a dear friend. He was twice my age and steeped in soul-stretching experience. He’d survived a foxhole on Okinawa. He’s gone now. I miss him. I always trusted his advice.
My friend believed in spiritual things, in our divine origin and destiny and our responsibility to help one another. He did something that day he’d never done before. He asked if I’d like a blessing. He believed in the laying on of hands as a means of blessing others. I readily accepted.
He placed his hands on my head and began to speak. Among his inspired words, he said, “Teach people truth in such a way as to help them realize they’ve always known it.”
You don’t have to beat people over the head with a club to share truth. You don’t have to diminish them or set yourself up as an authority. Just meet them where they are and honor their path. If they ask, share. They’ll come to their aha moment. They’ll remember. They’ll take their next step when their time is right.