Doctor Jeff

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The Womb is an Open Veil

While she was in labor with our oldest daughter, my wife looked at me and said, “I don’t think I want to do this again.”

At that instant, she heard a divine voice say, “There’s one more.”

Two years later, we welcomed the arrival of our youngest daughter.

I recently visited with three nurses who have known me since I was a medical student. When I mentioned the message my wife had received, each of my friends related very similar experiences they’d had during childbirth. Two had heard voices announcing they’d have another child. The third, who’d only been married a short time and had planned on a large family, heard a voice say, “This is your only one.” She thought it was a strange message until her husband died in an industrial accident six months later.

My daughters with souls they escorted through the veil.

When I hear such experiences from mothers, I’m no longer surprised. I’ve learned it is very common. As I pondered on the reason, I received a message of my own. The voice said:

“The womb is an open veil.”

I’d never thought of the womb that way. Now it seems obvious. Every soul steps through the veil as they pass through the womb. Every soul enters the veil of flesh by passing through the womb. No wonder mothers receive powerful communications when they live in the midst of an open veil.