Doctor Jeff

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A Ball of Light

Photo by Jefferson Palomique from Pexels.

Three-year-old Debbie interacted with light-filled companions her mother couldn’t see. One day, unable to answer Debbie’s barrage of questions, Mom said, “Oh, Debbie, why don’t you just ask your angel friends?” Moments later, Debbie returned with an answer so long, complex, and correct, her mother just sat down, hugged her, and tearfully said, “I don’t even know how to raise you.”

Debbie also saw beings without light. They haunted her nightly. When Mom found Debbie sobbing on the bed, she’d throw back the covers and open the closet doors to assure her there were no menacing spirits. It only made things worse. That Mom couldn’t see them didn’t make them less real to Debbie.

Frustrated and concerned, Debbie’s mother prayed for help. The next night, she sat calmly next to Debbie on the bed. “Are they here?” she asked. Debbie nodded. “This is what I want you to do,” Mom said.

Debbie listened and followed her mother’s instructions and movements. She brought her small hands together and formed a hollow space between her palms. She watched a ball of light appear between her hands—a ball of light her mother described but couldn’t see—then watched it grow in power and brightness. Following her mother’s motions, she pushed the ball of light and released it toward the intruders. As it sailed toward the unwelcome guests, they scattered and disappeared.

Alone on the bed, Debbie and her mother embraced. Mom never saw the intruders, but she followed the promptings she’d received to help and honor her daughter. The dark spirits appeared less frequently after that. And, when they came, Debbie knew what to do.

As now-grown Debbie shared her experience with me, I saw her countenance change. I saw her years younger in perfect innocence. I saw her soul smile. I saw her light.

Debbie’s light still dispels darkness. I’m grateful for her and her faithful mother. When you face darkness in your life, make a ball of light.